শ্রাদ্ধশতবার্ষিকী ও সরীসৃপ

শ্রাদ্ধশতবার্ষিকী ও সরীসৃপ

  • 08 Mar, 25
  • 02:30 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Academy of Fine Arts: Kolkata

  • Rabindranath is a soulmate not only to the Bengalees but to the real readers all across the globe. One is endlessly surprised to find that his genius has touched all the chords of human emotions. The journey of introspection begins only when one probes deep into his literature which ultimately evolves into a profound philosophy.
  • In the play Shraddhashatabarshiki, a local businessman, Pranakeshto presents a strange and unprecedented interpretation of Tagore’s poem ‘Dui Bigha Jomi’. Apparently this interpretation turns Tagore’s psychology and genius upside down, presenting them in a completely different light. The Rabindranath we know is replaced by an entirely opposite version of him, as envisioned by Pranakeshto.
  • Gradually, with his twisted logic, the landlord in the poem appears to be the virtuous one, while Upen becomes a fraud. The other characters in the play desperately try to refute his arguments but fail, as they cannot speak against him in a function funded by his donations.
    In reality, Ushneek production Shraddhashatabarshiki uses the essence of Rabindranath’s poem ‘Dui Bigha Jomi’ to reflect contemporary society of the wealthy and powerful dictating terms under capitalist and feudal mentalities, advocating shamelessly in favor of power-hungry elites sitting atop mountains of money.
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Venue: Academy of Fine Arts

  • Premium @ ₹300

    Stock:: 57 seats

  • Gold @ ₹200

    Stock:: 112 seats

  • General @ ₹100

    Stock:: 128 seats



Academy of Fine Arts

2, Cathedral Road Kolkata

Organizer & Others

  • Organizer:পূর্ব পশ্চিম
  • Director:ঈশিতা মুখোপাধ্যায়
  • Writer:ভগীরথ মিশ্র ও বিধায়ক ভট্টাচার্য
  • Artists:সুভাশিষ মুখোপাধ্যায়,দেবজিৎ ভট্টাচার্যী, চিত্র ও অরুনিকা দে


বিনোদিনী অপেরা
  • 14 Apr, 25
  • 06:30 PM - 08:50 PM
  • Behala Sarat Sadan
    Manton, Behala
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আরোহী আনন্দ সন্ধ্যা
  • 23 Feb, 25
  • 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
  • Shishir Mancha
    1/1, AJC Bose Road,Kolkata
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টিনের তলোয়ার
  • 13 Apr, 25
  • 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Behala Sarat Sadan
    Manton, Behala
Book Now
  • 14 Mar, 25
  • 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Swami Vivekananda Auditorium
    RKVM Agarpara, 24/1 BT Road
Book Now