

  • 01 Apr, 25
  • 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Academy of Fine Arts: Kolkata
  • “CAESAR” (44BC-2024 AD) is a visionary production that reimagines Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy in a contemporary context. The story follows the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, a powerful leader who is ultimately assassinated by a group of senators who fear his growing power.
  • The production takes a bold approach, incorporating a range of innovative elements to bring the story to life. The Soothsayer, a enigmatic figure who transcends time and space, serves as a cautionary voice, warning against the dangers of authoritarianism.
  • In a Brechtian twist, the Soothsayer engages in a poignant debate with the modern Shakespeare, probing the conscience of intellectuals and the privileged elite. This fusion of classical elegance and contemporary commentary revitalizes the Swan Theatre tradition.
  • Meanwhile, four enslaved voices – Venus, Vulcan, Eros, and Psychae embody the resilience of the working class, their protests echoing through the corridors of history against oppressive regimes and the apathy of the affluent and educated.
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Venue: Academy of Fine Arts

  • Premium @ ₹1000

    Stock:: 14 seats

  • Gold @ ₹500

    Stock:: 140 seats

  • Silver @ ₹300

    Stock:: 71 seats

  • Bronze @ ₹200

    Stock:: 80 seats

  • General @ ₹100

    Stock:: 20 seats



Academy of Fine Arts

2, Cathedral Road Kolkata

Organizer & Others

  • Organizer:রাসবিহারী শৈলুষিক
  • Director:কমলেশ্বর মুখার্জি
  • Writer:কমলেশ্বর মুখার্জি
  • Artists:শঙ্কর দেবনাথ, অর্ণ মুখোপাধ্যায়, লোকনাথ দে, অসীম রায়চৌধুরী, অনির্বান ভট্টাচার্য, পদ্মনাভ দাসগুপ্ত, অগ্নিজিৎ সঙ্গে শৈলুষিকের অন্যান্য শিল্পীরা এবং কমলেশ্বর মুখোপাধ্যায় I


  • 22 Mar, 25
  • 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Academy of Fine Arts
    2, Cathedral Road Kolkata
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চন্দনপুরের চোর
  • 12 Apr, 25
  • 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Academy of Fine Arts
    2, Cathedral Road Kolkata
Book Now
বসন্ত বিলাপ
  • 09 Apr, 25
  • 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
  • Behala Sarat Sadan
    Manton, Behala
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টিনের তলোয়ার
  • 16 Apr, 25
  • 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Uttarpara Gana Bhawan
    GT Rd,Uttarpara
Book Now