- 22 Mar, 25
- 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
- Academy of Fine Arts: Kolkata
Ashokenagar Natyaanan’s new play ‘ Bhobitobbo’ , is directed by Chandan Sen .It is a fairytale adapted from an English play by the eminent playwright Loknath Bandopadhyay and premiers on 16th February 2025 at Academy of Fine Arts.
- The age old tradition in King Kopatbokkho’s kingdom demands a human sacrifice who will speak against the King and his Monarchy at the King’s birth anniversary. The King and his undercover agents are7 looking for such an individual in disguise. In the meantime Kopatbokkho’s twin sisters, ‘ Rahasyamoyi’ and ‘ Irshamoyi’ want to dethrone the King as they are greedy for power. They bribe ,the Royal Astrologer ‘ Gonanaba’ against the King.
- Kopatbokko is not happy with ‘ Gonanababa’s’ performance and he declares that the Astrologer will die ,fifteen minutes post the former’s death.
- Prashanna and Gajen visit the King’s land on his birth anniversary to expand business in cosmetics.They do not know the King hence unintentionally one of them falls prey to the predators and insult Kopatbokkho.
- Thus the King declares ‘ Prashanno’s’ death.On the other hand ‘ Gananababa’ informs that the King’s fate is related to that of Prashanna’s and if Prashanna dies , Kopatbokkho will face the brunt of it immediately. Hence Prashanna’s death sentence is being called off. Amidst all this chaos , Princess Tirna reaches Kopatkokkho’s Kingdom , incognito along with her best friend Bhelbheli, Envoy Bebakmosti and informer Phandiphikir. Tirna is ignorant about her marriage to Kopatbokkho. They have come here to have a first hand information about the King and his kingdom.
- Hence in disguise. A comedy of errors occurs in this farcical fairytale when Prashanna and Tirna fall in love with each other resulting to more mayhem.
- Rahashyamoyi and Irshamoyi are being dumped by Gananbaba and thrown away from the Kingdom. Most importantly the age old tradition of Human Sacrifice is being scrapped and called off forever. As they say ‘ All’s Well That Ends Well’, Prashanna and Tirna find a happily ever after as Prashanna becomes the King’s chief advisor.
Venue: Academy of Fine Arts
Premium @ ₹300
Stock:: 66 seats
Gold @ ₹200
Stock:: 80 seats
General @ ₹100
Stock:: 34 seats